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One-on-one learning is a great way to identify math misunderstandings. I love helping students connect the dots and build foundations for future math concepts. There are limited number of tutoring sessions available for the summer. Click Contact Me to request additional information and times.


Summer math tutoring is available June 27st - August 24th, 2023. Join for the whole season or just a few days.


Math Notebook and Calculator
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I am always impressed with the math resources Khan Academy provides. Check out this great section on GETTING READY.  Just pick the course you will be joining next year. Khan Academy will take you through each skill you should know for the next course. It's a great way to stay on top of the topics you know and review those you will need.


An excellent resource for young learners. Practice writing numbers and counting. Both a teaching booklet and a workbook, students learn about Numbers, Skip Counting and Place Values. Building a strong understanding of numbers is foundational to math success. This workbook is a great place to start.


Check out the Shop for more information.

This workbook was designed to help students learn and understand as they practice math. Both a teaching booklet and a workbook, students can practice key concepts like Equivalent Fractions, Comparing Fractions, and Least Common Denominators. This is an excellent book for new learners, students who need review, and any students or parents struggling to understand what fractions are and how they work.


Check out the Shop for more information.


There is so much to explore online. Check out some of my favorite math websites. (I especially like Mathigon!)




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